At Heartlands High School we know that students learn effectively if they regularly attend school. The guidance released by the DFE is clear, all students should be present, and schools are required to follow up any absences. We understand that due to COVID-19 some students may be feeling anxious at this time, and would urge those who do to speak to their tutor or head of house. We have planned staff  training on how best to alleviate anxiety for students, so that they are supported back into school.


If a student shows symptoms of Covid 19 it is essential that they stay away from school until are tested, and communicate the outcome with school swiftly who will advise on next steps. 


For students who are shielding or self isolating it should be noted that shielding advice for adults and children will pause on 1st August. If rates of the disease rises in the local area we will advise you if students need to shield. 


Otherwise, we expect all students to have 100%  attendance from September, so they do not lose anymore learning time.