Dear Parents/Carers,
My name is Mr Maclaren and I am the Outdoor Coordinator at Heartlands. This year Heartlands are offering your son/daughter an amazing opportunity to participate in a trip to Bude, which is an activity centre in Cornwall.
The Centre offers a huge variety of activities including surfing, climbing, abseiling, canoeing and many others. The trip will leave Heartlands on Monday 16th July and return on Thursday evening of 19th July 2018. Spaces are limited and to be put on the shortlists students must collect a letter from me. Once the letter has been returned and checked you will be available to make deposit on ParentPay.
The cost of the trip is £300 per pupil (£200 for pupils who are Pupil Premium) and will cover accommodation, coach travel, three meals per day, all activities and specialist instructors and equipment. It also includes evening entertainment such as campfires, BBQ’s and on the last day a disco. To help with the cost of the trip a payment plan is available which is shown in the letter which you can view and download below.
Thank you in advance for your support,
Kind regards,
Mr Maclaren Room N5.9
Bude Letter 2018
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