The Trust’s Members have the responsibility/powers to:

  • oversee the achievement of the Trust’s objectives;
  • appoint other Members and some Directors/Trustees and to remove Members or Directors/Trustees should it become necessary to do so; and
  • make amendments to the Trust’s Articles of Association that determine the constitution and governance arrangements of the Trust.

b) Board of Directors/Trustees
It is the role of the Board of Directors/Trustees to:

  • determine the vision and values, strategic plan, annual objectives and targets for the Trust, and to monitor achievement against these;
  • ensure that the business and finance of the Trust are well led and managed
  • ensure probity and fulfilment of statutory and regulatory responsibilities;
  • appoint members of the Local Advisory Boards;
  • determine the arrangements for setting of key policies; and
  • appoint the CEO and the Headteacher of each School and set arrangements for their performance management.

c) Local Governing Committee
It is the role of the Local Governing Committee of each School to:

  • carry forward the Trust’s vision in a way that is appropriate to the specific qualities and community characteristics of the School;
  • ensure that standards of achievement are high;
  • monitor and evaluate the work of the School systematically in relation to student performance, student behaviour, self-evaluation and improvement, budget and financial performance and community cohesion; and
  • act in an advisory capacity to the School and Headteacher

d) Finance & Resources Committee (including Audit)
The role of the Finance and Resources Committee, which comprises 5 Directors/Trustees including the Executive Headteacher, is as follows:

Finance: Oversight of, and advice and support to the Board on matters relating to financial management, strategy and policies [including setting of annual budgets and detailed oversight of in-year financial performance]; the safeguarding and use of assets/resources; ensuring that the Trust operates within the law and regulatory environment in relation to its finances and its role as an employer; and compliance with legislation relating to Health & Safety.

Audit: Oversight of, and advice to the Board on: the adequacy and effectiveness of systems of risk management and internal control; the Trust’s audit strategy and annual plan and the appointment, dismissal and remuneration of internal and financial statements auditors; monitoring of actions to address audit findings; and ensuring that all allegations of fraud and irregularity are appropriately investigated and that control weaknesses addressed.

SEARCH Education Trust Members

  • Lincoln Abbotts
  • Nick Chambers
  • Adrian Cojocaru
  • Craig Pattinson

SEARCH Education Trust – Board of Directors/Trustees

  • Chair: Vikram Gandhi
  • Vice-Chair: Ajhar Alam
  • Joe Dilger
  • Juliet Adu-Gyamfi
  • Margaret Sumner
  • Isobel McConville
  • Olivia Newbolt
  • Nina Hattam
  • Rachel Harding

Finance & Resources Committee

  • Chair: Joe Dilger
  • Vice Chair: Juliet Adu-Gyamfi
  • Ajhar Alam
  • Vikram Gandhi
Education Standards Committee
  • Chair: Margaret Sumner
  • Ajhar Alam
  • Juliet Adu-Gyamfi

Heartlands High School – Local Governing Committee

  • Chair- Phillip Dominique
  • Elen Roberts – Headteacher
  • Mehmet Fidanboylu
  • Abimbola Oladele
  • Cecilia Dosu
  • Maria Nabatanzi
  • Ed Skerry – Staff Governor
  • Angela Loulopoulou – Parent Governor
  • Will Jeffreys – Parent Governor


To contact the governors or trustees: 

Please get in touch with Clerk to the Governing Body

Alternatively, you can write by post to:
Clerk to the Governing Body
Search Education Trust
Station Road
London, N22 7ST