Heartlands High School takes the issue of bullying seriously and this page is dedicated to ensuring that our school community have all the help, information, resources and contact details to hand, that can help support and advise.

First of all, it’s important to know who to contact if you want to discuss bullying-related issues. All staff are aware of their role in tackling bullying, so therefore you can contact anyone you choose, whether this be your child’s tutor, teacher, key worker.

Our Safeguarding Lead is Ms Attreed, and can be contacted via email: huw.levis@heartlands.haringey.sch.uk


Anti-Bullying Policy

You may want to have a look at the school’s anti bullying policy which has been written in conjunction with parent, student and teacher feedback. This policy is reviewed regularly and is always available on the school’s website.Please click here to view the policy.


The Diana Award

Heartlands High School is committed to the ongoing development of our student leaders and also staff members in the areas of Bullying and Student Safety.

We are proud to have a link with The Diana Award which offers us a bespoke training package for both staff and students, and ongoing support throughout the year.  You can learn more about the Award by clicking on their icon below.

How to report bullying

If you would like to report an instance of bullying please use the form below.

Anti Bullying Form
Click here to access



Other useful contacts

If you are a student, parent or teacher and feel you would like further advice concerning bullying, then please click the symbol of the very trusted societies below: