Haringey’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) needs your feedback!
Please join a parent/carer coffee morning on:
Wednesday 5th October
10.30am – 12pm
This will be an informal meeting and discussion.
Markfield has been providing the SENDIASS (formally parent Partnership Service) for more than 15 years. We highly value the feedback regularly provided by parents/carers and young people.
We aim that this discussion group will help us develop the service further, through more indepth discussion about what works well and how we can improve.
Please come and share your ideas and experiences!
Come to Markfield
Markfield Road
N15 4RB
Please RSVP to familyadmin@markfield.org.uk if you are able to attend this coffee morning
We are not able to provide a creche.
Tea, coffee and cake provided!