Curriculum Intent

  • To ensure that all students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to achieve academically across a broad range of subjects
  • To ensure that all students are supported and challenged to make excellent progress across a broad range of subjects
  • To ensure that the curriculum prepares students for the next stage of their education and future employment
  • To ensure excellent Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education is delivered through a high quality pastoral curriculum

 Click Here for each of the year group curriculums: 

Year 7 Website – Year 7

Year 8 Website – Year 8

Year 9 Website-Year-9 

Year 10 Website – Year 10

Year 11 Website – Year 11

Each will give you an overview of how we teach and the content, this content is brief to allow you a simple over view, more detils will be shared with you throughout the year.  Here is an expample of what one will look like.  This is a snip from the year 7 curriculum, where you can see what the students will be learning each half term:



Heartlands PE curriculum 


At Heartlands High School, we study a range of sports.  We change focus every 6 weeks. This gives students maximum exposure to a variety of sports and dance throughout the year. 

Please see our yearly plan below.




For PE students are required to wear navy trousers/shorts and the official Heartlands PE top as well as trainers.


Optional equipment– 

  • Heartlands Navy sweatshirt (no alternative sweatshirt may be worn)
  • Plain base layers (black, Navy, White) 
  • Dance- dance shoes
  • Rugby mouthguard and boots
  • Football – shin pads and boots


We run a variety of school clubs for children to attend if they want to develop further in their chosen field. (please see after school timetable) 


Local club links 

I have also attached links of local clubs with contact details for children who would like to attend an external provision. 


AP badminton club


Haringey Rhinos


Enfield and Haringey athletics club (New river and Lea Valley)


Finsbury park Athletics club


Haringey Aquatics