Our partnerships between parents, young people and the school ensure that our students leave as confident, responsible and independent learners. We listen and respond to their needs.

At Heartlands High School, we nurture leadership and empower young people to take their responsibility as citizens seriously. The partnerships we build will benefit all. 

Parental Involvement

Parents, students and the school work in partnership to make sure that students make excellent progress during their time with us. We have a number of ways of ensuring that parents can make a real impact on the progress of students in the school. These include the following:

Parents Evenings

Parents Evenings happen once a year and offer parents the opportunity to discuss progress with individual subject teachers.

Progress Records and Reports

Progress Records are issued three times a year. The first, in September, helps parents to understand our targets for individual students. The following two let parents check progress against these targets.

Support Meetings

At several points during the year, the school puts on special Support Meetings that aim to work on developing particular skills such as reading, numeracy or extended study.