Exam Certificate Collection
It is important that students make every effort to collect their exam certificates and store them safely as they are important documents. Awarding organisations charge approximately £50.00 for each replacement certificate and we can only store them for a fixed amount of time before they are securely destroyed. Further education providers and employers will need to see the original documents.
Certificates cannot be given to anyone other than the person named on the certificate unless the person named has provided written authorisation for a responsible adult to collect on their behalf.
Summer 2024 Certificate Collection
We invite you to come and collect them at the times given below. Please note that the school is only required to keep your certificates for one year, so it’s important to collect them promptly.
Important Information: Please read carefully
- Please do not come in outside of these slots as we cannot provide you with your certificate on any other days and times without a prior appointment.
- You must bring your ID with you. This must either be a valid passport or a provisional licence. We cannot issue any certificates without confirming your identity.
- Upon collection, you will be asked to sign and date a document to confirm receipt of your certificates.
- Certificates cannot be given to anyone other than the person named on the certificate unless the person named has provided written authorisation for a responsible adult to collect on their behalf.
- If you are unable to come into school to get your certificates, please complete and return the form for your representative to collect on your behalf .
Certificates are available for collection from Reception, as follows in 2024:

For further information, please see the letter and collection form 23-24 CERTIFICATE COLLECTION INFORMATION.docx
Archived certificates Summer 2023 and earlier
Old certificates will usually be kept on site for a minimum of 3 years from date of receipt. To arrange collection please check first with the exams team if the certificate is still on site and arrange an appointment to collect.
Mrs Newlyn – Examinations Officer
examoffice12665@heartlands.haringey.sch.uk – 0208 826 1230 ext. 1278
Heartlands High School, Station Road, Wood Green N22 7ST
Please see details on the information and collection form OLD CERTIFICATE COLLECTION INFORMATION.docx (1)
Replacement Certificates
If we no longer have your certificates on site or you have lost them see the below link for information on obtaining replacement certificates:-