We will also enjoy an international buffet which is a celebration of the diversity of our community. Parents will be donating a cultural dish towards the buffet and our Restaurant will also be offering hot food on the evening. We would really appreciate your support and would ask that you contribute, however small, a sweet or savoury dish towards the buffet. All donations can be dropped of from 8am on the morning to the English and Humanities department.

Tickets can be purchased from the English and Humanities office at break or lunch time. We will accept cash or a cheque (payable to Heartlands High School); all monies must be accompanied by an order form, which is printed below. Alternatively you can request to make a payment on Parent pay; however this will take up to 4 working days to set up.

Tickets are £4 for adults and £2.50 for children. This event is not for profit as the cost of the ticket will cover the cost of the show.

We hope you can come as we know you will enjoy it!