At Heartlands High School, we are committed to helping students develop good habits, including being on time and responsible. The school gates open each day at 8.10am and there is always a free breakfast for every student available in the restaurant. Furthermore, the library is also open before school for all students. Starting in September, we will be making some changes to how we address lateness to school.

  • If a student arrives between 8:30am and 9:00am, they will have a lunchtime detention on the same day from 12:55pm to 1:15pm.
  • If a student arrives after 9:00am, they will have a one-hour detention after school the following day.

Students will still have time to use the bathroom and eat lunch. We believe these changes will encourage punctuality and responsibility. A reminder that the gate shuts at 8.25am and students should be in their lessons before 8.30am to avoid a further consequence and to ensure lessons start on time. 

Thank you for helping your child understand the importance of being on time and for making sure they arrive at school promptly each day.