Please click here to view an up-to-date Track and Trace letter to parents and guardians from the Department for Education.
Please find a letter from Mrs Roberts with COVID-19 updates here
Government guidance on COVID-19 symptoms and what to do following testing can be found in the image below.
After School Clubs commence from Monday 21 September 2020.
Due to the current climate, all clubs will be held in bubbles.
Please see the club timetables for each year group bubble below:
If you have any queries about After School Clubs, please contact Mr Seldon at
Please Note: The school office will be unable to assist with signing up and other club related queries.
Please find a letter from our CEO, Mr Billings, in relation to ‘return to school’ here.
Please find a letter from Mrs Roberts regarding the start of term here
Uniform can be purchased in school between 2–3pm, Monday 25 – Friday 28 August. For orders purchased online, we will contact you with a date and time for collection.
We understand that the process for how grades were awarded this year can seem confusing. Ofqual have produced a guide for students that explains the process clearly. Click here and read Page 4 for more information about the process.
Limited Right of Appeal
It’s important that students and parents understand the limited ground on which appeals can be made to the exam board. The school cannot change the grade you were awarded, and students have no right of appeal against the professional judgement of staff. You cannot appeal because your mock exam result was higher than the grade you were awarded, as this would have been taken into account when determining your centre assessed grade.
Ofqual explains that ‘any appeal would have to be undertaken by someone better placed than your teachers to judge your likely grade if exams had taken place in the unique circumstance of this summer, we do not believe there is such a person.’
Appeals on the grounds of an Administrative Error
The school may only appeal to the exam board where there is evidence that an administrative error was made either by the school when submitting a student’s CAG or rank order, or by the exam board when calculating a student’s grade. However, the school has the right to decide whether to make this appeal or not on your behalf.
The appeals process is explained in more detail in the attached document here, published by Ofqual on 19th August 2020 (page 5)
If you have any questions about your rights to appeal or exam results, please email the exams team at by 1st September 2020.
Our Careers Advisor is also available to contact via email at paula.spalding@heartlands.haringey.sch.ukshould you require any help with post 16 applications
We will be sending out information about exam resits in the coming days.
Dear Year 11 Families,
I am writing today with more certainty and thankfully a welcome update.
Today Ofqal announced that they would be reverting to center assessed grades (CAGs) for most grades for both the A levels already issued and the GCSEs due to be issued on Thursday.
We see this as good news. The algorithm being applied to moderate CAGs was clearly not fit for purpose and resulting in unfair downgrades. I am deeply upset for our partner schools who have the unenviable task of trying to help year 13 to get to the right destinations. Luckily for GCSE students this decision comes in time for results day to avoid similar chaos for year 11!
From Thursday although CAGs will be referred to the grade you are given will be your GCSE grade it will not ever be referred to as your center assessed grade outside of this process.
Some points to note
- We are very proud of you all and will remain here for you whenever you need us should it be now, in a month’s time or at any point in the future.
- Your CAG is a reflection of: KS2 results, progress from yr7-11, Mocks, in class assessments as well as class and homework
- We gave each child a center assessed grade and then ranked all the students in that subject. You will only be issued a GCSE grade not a rank order. You can not ask for your rank order.
- The vast majority of CAGs we submitted were equal to or higher than their mock grade. In the instances where this is not the case, we will explain why and discuss next steps.
- Class teachers contributed strongly to these grades and their professional judgement on how students could have performed given the chance to sit the exams formed the foundation of the CAG. However these were then moderated internally by leaders and so it will be the leaders and ultimately me as headteacher who decided on these grades and take full responsibility for them. Class teachers will not be in a position to discuss these grades with families and so please do not get in contact with them directly.
What to do next
- Collect your results on Thursday get the support you need at school and celebrate your success
- Contact your college or sixth form to secure or discuss your place: do this even if you have not got the grades you needed. We can do this for you or help you if needed
- If you are not happy with your grades contact us: a member of SLT will be in touch and we will discuss with you how to appeal and/or complain.
- Read all the information in your envelope with care: it includes information on how to contact us and the support on offer
Appeals and complaints are always best approached together with the family and school in partnership but there is also a complaints procedure for the actions of school leaders and this can be applied if you feel the school was at fault. Please get in touch with us using the information provided and we can guide you further.
Best wishes to you all
Elen Roberts
Dear Year 11 Families,
I hope you are all safe and well? I am writing to you all to try and share some thoughts on the unfolding situation around results. There have been many news reports, commentaries and social media responses to this year’s A level results and the widespread downgrading in state schools. I know many of you are now very anxious for Thursday.
The class of 2020 have missed out on so many milestones and had such a turbulent year it seems so unfair they will need to endure further heartache around exams which they could not sit. They did not choose not to sit them, the situation dictated it. Most of them will receive their center assessed grades, or close to them, but in the event we see widespread downgrading of GCSEs it would be foolish not to be prepared.
I know I have said it before but it is worth saying again that I am so proud of our students they will leave school with so much more than their grades. However I know how much these grades mean to them and so how much pressure they are feeling about Thursday.
What we did
- Considered your child’s: KS2 results, progress from Yr7-11, Mocks, in class assessments as well as class and homework
- We gave each child a center assessed grade and then ranked all the students in that subject
- Each grade was reviewed by: the head of faculty, 2 senior leaders and I signed off on each and every grade
- We worked with the Fischer Family Trust to have the grades checked before we submitted them to ensure there was no bias and that we had done everything we could to give fair grades.
- This process took 3 full weeks, staff found it very challenging we all wanted the children to have an accurate grade based on their abilities and hard work and we believed we had issued a honest and evidence based assessment
What we know
- We knew the grades would go through a centralised standardisation but we believed, as all schools did, if we had followed the steps as above we should see minimal movement
- A Level grades were significantly bought down. We have spoken to our Haringey partners schools who run post 16 courses and it seems the formula used to adjust grades impacted our partners greatly despite them following careful and measured processes as we had
- We know we will be able to (AND WE WILL) appeal any changes to grades, for most this will be minimal. How we appeal is yet unclear but we will monitor the situation as it unfolds
What we think will happen next
We can not predict what the next 4 days will bring. We hope the government and Ofqal will take the feedback from parents and schools and put a plan in place to try not to replicate the issues with A level results for the GCSE results this week. However we must also have a plan ready in the case they do not address this and apply the same algorithm which we know will result in downgrades for some of our students.
Positive planning
At Heartlands we always try to see the positive in situations and at the very least look for the steps we can take to combat any negative impacts on our students and families. In preparation for the results we will be:
- Preparing our internal data so we can immediately highlight downgrades and the possibility for appeals
- Reviewing all the guidance quickly as it comes in to ensure we are ready to act on any last minute changes
- Reviewing what we issue students to aid their application to post 16; our partners are telling us if students have their center assessed grades this will be helpful so we will be issuing those alongside results in some cases. We will also include any information we have on appeals and next steps
- Increasing support available to students on the day: all of SLT and many other leaders and teachers will be on hand all day to answer any questions and queries on Thursday or any day
Mrs Roberts is in contact with all the heads of our main A level and KS5 feeders and will be working closely with them all to ensure we place all our students where they want to be for the next step in our education.
I hope this goes some way to helping you to feel like we are taking action, I know many of our students feel let down by the system but hopefully they can feel supported by their school.
Best wishes to you all
Elen Roberts
We are very excited to be able to host results day on site! We have had to make some changes to accommodate social distancing but we are confident we can still make this a special day for students.
Please read all the details here in a letter from Ms Bower, which will also be posted home:
4. FINAL Results Day letter
The letter includes an FAQ section we have also displayed here:
I will not be able to attend school on Results day – how can I get my results? | We strongly advise that students come into school and collect their results in person. However, we recognise that these are exceptional times. If you know that you will not be able to collect your results on Thursday 20th August, please complete this form, and we will send your results to your school email address from 2pm on 20th August. |
What shall I bring with me on results day? | A fully charged mobile phone, a pen and a notepad. You may want to get in touch with family or friends, or need to call colleges and sixth forms about places. |
I didn’t get a grade 4 in Maths and English that I needed to start my course | The first thing to do if you haven’t passed Maths or English with a grade 4 or above is to speak to the staff at the school or college that you are planning to attend or to the training provider for your apprenticeship.
Some sixth forms will allow you to start A levels and retake either English or Maths alongside your other qualifications. However, many sixth forms require you to have at least a grade 4 in English and Maths before you start.If you choose to, you can usually resit Maths and English in November – ask your teachers about this. Schools and colleges offer classes to prepare students to retake these GCSEs as it is a government requirement that you keep studying these subjects until you are 18 or achieve a grade 4 in them. |
What if I don’t get the grades I need? | Don’t worry. It might be that you haven’t quite met your criteria for your conditional offer. The best thing to do is to call your college/sixth form and tell them your results and see if they will accept you. Don’t automatically assume that if you don’t get the exact grades they were asking for, you won’t get in.
If you need to make a different plan, there will be lots of staff on hand in the Library to go through your options with you. We will also be in school on Friday 21st August from 10am – 1pm, so you can take the day to think about your options and come back to speak with us then. |
Do I have to open my results at school? | We would really like you to open your results at school, so then we can support you with your next steps. However, we know it can be a bit overwhelming, so we will make sure there are private, quiet spaces for you to open your results away from others if you need. |
I got the results I need – what next? | Your chosen college or sixth form should have let you know how to confirm your place, and this is usually done via email. Make sure you have read all of your emails carefully, so you know exactly what you need to do to confirm your place. |
Can I resit my exams? | Information about resits will be available on Results Day, and there will be lots of staff on hand to talk you through your options. |