Heartlands High School is currently open for all students however we have had to make some decisions to enable this to happen. Please note:
- All trips are cancelled until further notice
- All sports events, music events and fixtures are cancelled until further notice
- Year 11 interventions after school, on Saturdays and during the holidays are cancelled
- All after school and before school interventions and clubs are cancelled for all year groups
- The premises is closed to all visitors; please do not come into school
- We are sending home students who have a cough or a temperature (if they have a sibling they are being sent home with them), OR students who are informing us someone at home has a cough or temperature they must self isolate for 7 or 14 days. Please follow the guidance on the Government’s website and inform us of your decision
- All vulnerable staff, including those who are pregnant have been advised to stay at home until further notice
We are preparing for a part closure tomorrow. We will prioritise years 7,10 and 11 and those with SEND or vulnerable home situations. If we part close we will make lunch available for collection from school for those not in school but entitled to a Free School Meal.
I will send you communication later today with all the details for the rest of the week. Please rest assured we will remain open for as long as we can for as many as we can!
We are finalising advice regarding what children should do when self isolating and how we set work in this instance, or in the instance of school closure. This will be sent directly to students and posted on this dedicated page of the website.
These are challenging times. We remind students there is online support and counseling available through www.kooth.com and a program to help with stress through www.headspace.com. Students will need to register if they have not already, however, this is free and easy to do.
Best wishes to you all. I will keep you updated
Mrs Roberts
Heartlands will be open as usual tomorrow. We encourage all our families to follow the advice as outlined on the NHS website.
Please isolate your children for:
- 7 days if they are displaying symptoms
- 14 days if someone in your house is displaying symptoms.
Please do ensure you check all advice in full. We appreciate students will need work to completing if they are isolating but relatively well. We will be setting online work tomorrow; please ask students to check their email in the early afternoon for details on what is expected of them.
Please be advised that any choice to self isolation in accordance with this will be considered as an authorised absence.
Please contact the absence line if your child will not be coming in.
Best wishes to all our families
Mrs Roberts
I am aware parents and students are concerned about the developing situation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. We will remain open for as long as we can, we will update parents and students daily on our response/plans via text message and here on the website.
For many of our families we provide a safe space for students to study with access to a range of resources that they do not have at home. We are also aware that for many of our young people we provide free school breakfast and lunch vital to their well being. We are passionate about remaining open for as long as it remains safe to do so or until the advice from Public Health England suggests otherwise.
We are continuing to follow the advice issued from Public Health England and would urge all parents to follow the advice on the NHS website to decide if your children should come to school. If your child will not be in school please ring the absence line.
Thank you for all your support if you have any questions or queries please do contact the school main office. However please be aware at this time we are experiencing high volumes of calls and so it will take us longer than usual to respond.
Thank you all for your ongoing support
Mrs Roberts
Head of School
Bushcraft Residential Trip letter
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Heartlands High School will be celebrating World Book Day 2020 on Thursday 05 March.
Details of events and activities that will be running next week to mark World Book Day can be found here.
Please encourage your child to dedicate a special focus to reading next week.
Weekend Intervention Schedule
View and download (pdf)
We are aware that some families may have travelled abroad over the half-term break, please find below, details on precautions that may be needed during this period of Coronavirus outbreak.
It has been reaffirmed that the current risk to individuals in the UK from Coronavirus is low. Normal hand hygiene should be encouraged to minimise any risk from this or other viruses.
There is specific advice administered by the Government for people with recent travel from certain affected countries, available here. This advice is updated daily.
The travel advice is specific to those who have recently travelled to:
- China
- Thailand
- Japan
- Republic of Korea
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- Singapore
- Malaysia
- Macau
Advice updated as of 16 February also includes travel from the following countries:
- Iran
- Northern Italy
- South Korea
- Hubei Province
- Vietnam
- Cambodia
- Myanmar
- Laos
There is currently no advice for anyone with recent travel to any countries not listed above.
Updates will be provided as and when we receive them from the Council/Government.
Duke of Edinburgh Poster
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