Please find the letter for the Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 1st March 2022 here
Please find the zoom links for the Year 11 Parents’ Evening here
We have provision for a Parent Local Governor to be part of the Local Governing Body.
Parents and Carers are now invited to nominate and elect a new Parent Local Governor to join the Heartlands High School Local Governing Body. An elected Parent Local Governor must be a parent or a person who has parental responsibilities of a student registered at Heartlands High School.
The vision is for all our students to develop a commitment to learning; teaching students that effort is essential, achievement will carry them forward, active citizenship matters and that none of this can be achieved without the highest of aspirations.
The role of a Parent Local Governor is an exciting and important opportunity to take an active role in the governance of the school; enabling that vision to become a reality through ensuring high standards of achievement for all, contributing to strategic discussions and holding school leaders to account by monitoring school performance and ensuring money is well spent.
Closing date for nominations is 9.00 am on 20th January 2022
Attached you will find:
On 14th September 2021 the government announced that 12-15 year olds would be vaccinated within schools through an NHS delivery model. We will be providing the space for vaccines to take place and assist by sending you all information from the NHS regarding vaccinations to you all.
School staff WILL NOT be involved in managing consent, vaccinations or talking to students or families about vaccinations: all this will the responsibility of the NHS.
The NHS will do this, the school will pass these details but all materials provided will be written by them with no input from the school. We will use out website, email and text services to pass on this information.
Consent will be required. Just like vaccinations for Flu and HPV the NHS will directly communicate with you (via the school) regarding consent. We are awaiting more information on consent and will share it with you when we have it.
We provide a room/space for vaccinations and pass on all Information to you from the NHS. In essence we have very little/nothing to do with the delivery of the program or the pre information sent to you.
Please contact the NHS vaccination services if you wish to show support or concern for this roll out. Anything sent to the school will simply be forwarded to appropriate bodies
Following the announcement next week we anticipate that the government will add details to this over the coming days and weeks. As soon as we have any details we will update you.
As always general enquiries can be sent to however we must stress we have no involvement in the organisation/promotion of this vaccination program.
Please read here an important letter from Ms Roberts updating you all on the ending of the COVID restrictions in schools.