End of Year DPR Report
At Heartlands we use a system to track your child’s progress called the Dynamic Progress Report (DPR). Throughout the year students have been assessed against objectives in different subjects.
Teachers have used evidence from assessments , classwork , exit tickets and home learning to assess your child against each objectives and update on the DPR like this:

You can now access your child’s end of year report on the DPR. Simply log into your child’s DPR and click on “Academic Report 2023-24″
To view a short video on how to access your child report please click here
In the DPR report you will also find that teachers have reported on your child’s attitude to learning and home learning. For Year 10 students, the report will have their exam grade and their GCSE prediction.
A letter will be sent to you outlining your child’s end of year merits , demerits , attendance, reading age and a comment from their tutor. You can access your child’s merits, demerits and attendance by logging onto ‘My child at School’. Please view this video guide on how to access this information.
Guide to Understanding Your Child’s Report
There is a national expectation that your child makes good progress between Year 7 and Year 11. Based on their KS2 results, students will be placed on Pathway A, B, C or D. These pathways provide clear learning routes from Year 7 to Year 11 – the table below demonstrates what this means:
Our Colour Coding: Each pathway identifies clear learning objectives by each year and for each subject. Students must demonstrate secured understanding in these key-learning objectives in order to be on track to achieve their target grade. We colour against each learning objective like this:
Dynamic Progress Report What is the ‘Dynamic Progress Reporting’ or the ‘DPR’?
The DPR is a way of tracking what your child has learnt to date, or needs to learn in the future. For each subject, we have identified the core knowledge and skills that have to be learnt each year. We will test students to find out how much of this information they have secured.
What is unique about the DPR?
The DPR encourages students to take ownership of their own learning, helping them to develop self-regulation. Because the DPR makes clear what has to be learnt, students can take control of the pace of their own learning. The DPR makes reporting to parents practical; parents can look at what students should be able to do, can do and identify areas they need to develop. It also combines summative and formative assessment to help students to make the best progress possible.
Who can access the DPR?
Students, teachers, parents and private tutors can access the Dynamic Progress Report by logging into the online DPR application, www.dpr.education. Once logged in, they receive real time updates on how students are learning. They can also save, download and print PDF versions of the report.
Can we use the DPR to collaborate with the teachers about our children’s learning?
You will have access to the details of all your children’s teachers, whom you can contact by the click of a button. You can do this by using the email at function.
My child has a private tutor. Could the tutor access and utilise the DPR and focus their teaching around the key objectives?
We can issue additional login details to private tutors upon request. We strongly encourage private tutors to help secure their students’ understanding of our key objectives that we have identified, as they appear in the DPR. In this way, they will be enhancing and complementing the key learning which takes place at school. As an online application, the DPR is a powerful yet simple collaboration between the schoolteacher, parent, student and tutor.
Can we still have access to the printed paper reports?
Parents are able to view, save and print a student’s report for their subjects and thus, review their learning. However, the DPR reports are a live reflection of students’ progress at any given time. This dynamic nature encourages regular interaction between students, teachers and tutors and better reflect what the students know on an ongoing basis.
How frequently will the teachers make changes to their judgement?
We encourage our teachers to carry out continuous assessment on students’ learning. The frequency of judgements made against key learning objectives in the DPR will vary from teacher to teacher. However, it is our expectation that (as a minimum) teachers will issue 12 judgements in the course of a year.
How will we know if our child is making progress in their intervention classes?
In addition to their normal classes, you can also access the key learning objectives for your child’s intervention classes. As above, you can view and print any of these reports.